Sweet Alyssum
Early Signs of Spring(Early to Mid April)
Nordmann Fir(Abies Nordmanniana)Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum, Rock Garden
A mature 'Signature Tree' with handsome lustrous deep green foliage.
Deciduous Tree
Common Alder / Black Alder(Alnus glutinosa)Arboretum
Showy reddish-brown male flowers (catkins) and female egg-shaped brown nutlets persisting through winter.
Red Maple(Acer rubrum)Japanese Garden
Red flowers in spring and great fall foliage color
Early Spring Bulbs
Winter Aconite(Eranthis hyemalis)Garden Cottage
Daffodils(Narcissus)MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden, Garden Cottage
Glory-of-the-Snow(Chionodoxa sardensis)Perennial Garden, Arboretum
Common Snowdrop(Galanthus nivalis)Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum
Siberian Squill(Scilla siberica)Perennial Garden, Rock Garden, Garden Cottage
Hyacinth(Hyacinthus orientalis)Seasonal Gardens, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden
Grape Hyacinth(Muscari latifolium)Seasonal Gardens
Early Spring Perennials

Lungwort(Pulmonaria angustifolia)Seasonal Gardens, Garden Cottage
Sweetbox(Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis)Garden Cottage, Japanese Garden

Blooming for Christmas through spring
Redtwig Dogwood(Cornus stolonifera)Bill Bowman Garden, Garden Cottage, Japanese Garden
Best red stems color if older branches, thicker than a pencil, are removed yearly.
Yellowtwig Dogwood(Cornus sericea ‘Bud’s Yellow’)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Black Pussywillow(Salix gracillistyla melanostachys)Children's Garden
Spicebush(Lindera benzoin)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Native woodland shrub with tiny yellow flowers covering plant in early spring.
Witchhazel(Hamamelis x intermedia)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Colorful fall foliage

Golden fall foliage
Japanese Pieris(Pieris japonica)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden, Garden Cottage
Colorful showy flower buds in early spring and winter
PJM Rhododendron(Rhododendron P.J.M. Hybrids)Perennial Garden, Arboretum, Garden Cottage
Reblooms in fall

Small Flowering Tree
Persian Parrotia(Parrotia persica)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Colorful fall foliage
Flowering Cherries(Prunus)Seasonal Gardens, MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Bill Bowman Garden
Beautiful fall foliage
Star Magnolia(Magnolia stellata)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Cornelian Cherry Dogwood(Cornus mas)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Spring Bulbs
Tulips – 27,000 featuring over 60 cultivars(Tulipa hybrida)Seasonal Gardens, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Garden Cottage
Spring Extravaganza(Mid April to Mid May)
Giant Snowflakes(Leucojum aestivum)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden
Common Baldcypress(Taxodium distichum)Arboretum
Deciduous conifer shedding it's bronzed needles in the fall.
Sierra Redwood(Sequoiadendron giganteum)Japanese Garden
Native to California, this 'Signature tree' is a dwarf 40 to 60' compared to 250' west coast giants.
Weeping White Pine(Pinus strobus 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum, Japanese Garden
Weeping Norway Spruce(Picea abies forma pendula 'Inversa')Seasonal Gardens, MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Japanese Garden
Mature specimen 'Signature Tree'.
Common Larch(Larix decidua)Arboretum
Conifer that drops it needles over the winter.

A mature 'Signature tree' with silvery blue foliage on cascading branches.
Deodar Cedar(Cedrus deodara)Japanese Garden

Original Mother tree for this cultivar.
Cool Season Annuals
Sweet Alyssum(Lobularia maritima)Seasonal Gardens
Deciduous Tree
Tricolor Beech(Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Tricolor')Arboretum
Purplish leaves are edged and striped with rose and pinkish white.

Many cultivars have as colorful foliage in spring as in fall. Branch structure interesting in winter.
Weeping European Beech(Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens
Mature specimen 'Signature Tree' about 100 years old.
Willow Oak(Quercus phellos)Arboretum
Impressive native 'Signature Tree'. Leaves look like a willow.
Black Oak(Quercus velutina)High Point Garden, Historic Rose Garden
Massive grove of native trees.
Early Spring Bulbs
Daffodils(Narcissus)MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden, Garden Cottage
Early Spring Perennials
Lungwort(Pulmonaria angustifolia)Seasonal Gardens, Garden Cottage
Creeping Phlox(Phlox subulata)Seasonal Gardens
Bleeding Hearts(Dicentra spectabilis)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Admissions Garden

Virginia Bluebells(Mertensia virginica)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Japanese Pieris(Pieris japonica)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden, Garden Cottage
Colorful showy flower buds in early spring and winter

Spicebush(Lindera benzoin)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Native woodland shrub with tiny yellow flowers covering plant in early spring.
Serviceberry(Amelanchier arborea)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Admissions Garden
Native shrub is covered with white blooms in spring and beautiful colored foliage in autumn.
Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia)Japanese Garden
Viburnum(Viburnum species)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Fothergilla(Fothergilla major)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Beautiful fall foliage
Tree Peony(Paeonia suffruticosa)Japanese Garden
Small Flowering Tree
Oriental Cherry(Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan')Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden, Arboretum
Yoshino Cherry(Prunus yedoensis)Ornamental Grass Garden
Redbud(Cercis canadensis)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Historic Rose Garden
Carolina Silverbell(Halesia carolina)Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Weeping Cherry(Prunus subhirtella var. pendula)Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum
Crabapples(Malus)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Colorful fruit in fall and winter. Birds will eat over winter.
Spring Bulbs
Tulips – 27,000 featuring over 60 cultivars(Tulipa hybrida)Seasonal Gardens, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Garden Cottage
Wisteria(Wisteria floribunda)Arboretum
Late Spring Blooms(May to Early June)
Giant Snowflakes(Leucojum aestivum)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden
Garden Lily(Lilium species)Seasonal Gardens, High Point Garden
Deciduous Tree
Catalpa(Catapa speciosa)Children's Garden
Horsechestnut(Aesculus hippocastanum)Rock Garden
Red Horsechestnut(Aesculus x carnea)Arboretum, Rock Garden
Tricolor Beech(Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Tricolor')Arboretum
Purplish leaves are edged and striped with rose and pinkish white.
Black Locust(Robinia pseudoacacia)Arboretum
Early Spring Perennials
Lungwort(Pulmonaria angustifolia)Seasonal Gardens, Garden Cottage
Green Hawthorn(Crataegus viridis 'Winter King')Seasonal Gardens
Giant Ornamental Onion(Allium giganteum)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden
Seed heads are used in flower arrangements
Red-Hot Poker / Torch Lily(Kniphofia uvaria)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Bleeding Hearts(Dicentra spectabilis)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Admissions Garden
Blue False Indigo(Baptisia australis)Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden

Common Thyme(Thymus vulgaris)Children's Garden, Herb Garden
Foxglove(Digitalis purpurea)Bill Bowman Garden, Herb Garden
Technically a biennial, it self sows and can remain in the garden for years.
Cranesbill / Hardy Geranium(Geranium species)Seasonal Gardens
Geum / Avens(Geum hybrids)Children's Garden
Good as cut flowers
Siberian Iris(Iris sibirica)Perennial Garden, Japanese Garden
June bloom
Chinese Ground Orchid(Bletilla striata)Perennial Garden
False Indigo(Baptisia australis)Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden
Creeping Thyme(Thymus serpyllum)Herb Garden
Columbine(Aquilegia hybrida)Children's Garden, Admissions Garden
Wild Ginger(Asarum canadense)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Peony / Chinese Peony(Paeonia lactiflora)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Bearded Iris(Iris germanica)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Some cultivars are re-bloomers
Phlox(Phlox species)Children's Garden
Lily-of-the-Valley(Convallaria majalis)Children's Garden, Rock Garden, High Point Garden
Viburnum(Viburnum species)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Ninebark(Physocarpus opulifolious)Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden
Koreanspice Viburnum(Viburnum carlesii)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Lilacs(Syringa meyeri & vulgaris)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden
Sweetshrub / Carolina Allspice(Calycanthus floridus)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Spring Buddleia(Buddleia alternifolia)Seasonal Gardens
Cascading branches
Sweet Mockorange(Philadelphus coronarius)Children's Garden, Rock Garden
Common Sweetshrub / Carolina Allspice(Calycanthus floridus)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Native Va. to Fla. Fragrant dark reddish brown flowers.
Cherry laurel(Prunus laurocerasus)Japanese Garden
Rhododendron(Rhododendron species and cultivars)Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Heavenly bamboo / Nandina(Nandina domestica)Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Broadleaf Evergreen, great in every season!
Small Flowering Tree

Spreading horizontal branches
Fragrant Snowbell(Styrax obassium)Arboretum

Dogwood(Cornus florida)Children's Garden, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Common Pawpaw(Asimia triloba)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Flowering Dogwood(Cornus florida)Arboretum, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Burgundy fall foliage
Fringe tree(Chionanthus virginicus)Arboretum, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Crabapples(Malus)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Colorful fruit in fall and winter. Birds will eat over winter.
False Hydrangea Vine(Schizophragma hydrangeoides)Arboretum, Admissions Garden
Chocolate Vine / Fiveleaf Akebia(Akebia quinata)Children's Garden, Admissions Garden
Colors of Summer(June to August)
Canna(Canna)Children's Garden, Admissions Garden
A Milton Hershey favorite!
Garden Lily(Lilium species)Seasonal Gardens, High Point Garden
Falling Stars(Crocosmia)Rock Garden
Dawn Redwood(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Introduced 1947 -1948 Deciduous conifer
Umbrella-pine(Sciadopitys verticillata)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Beautiful deep glossy green foliage. Introduced 1861

A mature 'Signature tree' with silvery blue foliage on cascading branches.
Deodar Cedar(Cedrus deodara)Japanese Garden
Hinoki Falsecypress(Chamaecyparis obtusa)Arboretum, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Shiny dark green frondlike branchlets on a tall, slender pyramidal plant.

Original Mother tree for this cultivar.
Weeping Norway Spruce(Picea abies forma pendula 'Inversa')Seasonal Gardens, MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Japanese Garden
Mature specimen 'Signature Tree'.
Weeping White Pine(Pinus strobus 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum, Japanese Garden
Sierra Redwood(Sequoiadendron giganteum)Japanese Garden
Native to California, this 'Signature tree' is a dwarf 40 to 60' compared to 250' west coast giants.
Common Baldcypress(Taxodium distichum)Arboretum
Deciduous conifer shedding it's bronzed needles in the fall.
Common Chinafir(Cunninghamia lanceolata)Japanese Garden
Beautiful messy 'Signature Tree'. Not good in high traffic areas as it sheds old branches over the winter.
Cool Season Annuals
Sweet Alyssum(Lobularia maritima)Seasonal Gardens
Deciduous Tree
River Birch(Betula nigra)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Colorful bark year-round
Paperbark Maple(Acer griseum)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden
Cinnamon colored bark

Growing on earth for 150 million year and was native to the U.S. at one time. Introduced 1784. Male and female plants
Katsuratree(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Mature specimen 'Signature tree'
Weeping European Beech(Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens
Mature specimen 'Signature Tree' about 100 years old.
Tricolor Beech(Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Tricolor')Arboretum
Purplish leaves are edged and striped with rose and pinkish white.
White Oak(Quercus alba)Admissions Garden
Native Maine to Florida, west to Minnesota and Texas
Scarlet Oak(Quercus coccinea)Arboretum
Native tree with great fall foliage.
Willow Oak(Quercus phellos)Arboretum
Impressive native 'Signature Tree'. Leaves look like a willow.
Chestnut Oak(Quecus prinus)Admissions Garden
Leaves resemble that of a chestnut tree. Native to Eastern U.S.
Black Oak(Quercus velutina)High Point Garden, Historic Rose Garden
Massive grove of native trees.
Common Sassafras(Sassafras albidum)Admissions Garden
Native tree with outstanding fall color. Host plant for Tiger swallow-tail butterflies.
Catalpa(Catapa speciosa)Children's Garden
Goldenraintree(Koelreutaria paniculata)Arboretum
Japanese Pagoda tree / Scholar-tree(Sophora japonica)Arboretum, Admissions Garden
Japanese Holly Fern(Cyrtomium falcatum ‘Rochfordianum’)Rock Garden, Japanese Garden

Coppery orange foliage
Quaking Oats(Briza maxima)NULL
Good for dried bouquets
Red Fountain Grass(Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum')Seasonal Gardens
Tender annual grass

Giant Reed Grass(Arundo donax)Children's Garden
10 to 15' tall looking a lot like corn
Feather Reed Grass(Calamagrostis acutiflora)Children's Garden
'Karl Foerster' cultivar winning 2001 Perennial of the Year award.
Sedge(Carex species)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Many cultivars are semi-evergreen.
Yarrow(Achillea filpendulina)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Admissions Garden
Bearded Iris(Iris germanica)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Some cultivars are re-bloomers
Giant Ornamental Onion(Allium giganteum)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden
Seed heads are used in flower arrangements
Roses(Rosa species)MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, High Point Garden, Historic Rose Garden
175 cultivars & species – over 3,500 plants

Butterfly Weed(Asclepias tuberosa)Historic Rose Garden, Herb Garden
Black Cohosh(Cimicifuga racemosa)Admissions Garden
Native to North America, 3 to 8 foot tall, white flowers on 3' spike

There are about 100 species native to central U.S. and tropical Africa
Globe Thistle(Echinops ritro)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Use as cut and dried flowers, Full sun, will tolerate very dry soil

Japanese Anemone(Anemone x hybrida)Japanese Garden
Milkweed / Butterfly Weed(Asclepias species)Historic Rose Garden
Asclepias is derived from the name of the Greek god of healing, Asklepios.
Leadwort / Plumbago(Ceratostigma plumbaginoides)Seasonal Gardens, Admissions Garden
Leadwort should be cutback to the ground in spring to stimulate new growth.
Foxglove(Digitalis purpurea)Bill Bowman Garden, Herb Garden
Technically a biennial, it self sows and can remain in the garden for years.

Many species, mainly from Mexico, the West Indies, tropical South America and some are native in the eastern U.S. Some species spread easily.
Hardy Sunflower(Heliopsis scabra)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Valued for its bright color and long blooming season.
Beardtongue(Penstemon x gloxiniodes)Perennial Garden, Arboretum
Hybrid between P. cobaea and P. hartwegi native to Mexico
Spike Speedwell(Veronica spicata)Perennial Garden
Coralbells / Alum Root(Heuchera sanguinea)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
70 species are native to the Rockies. Many hybrids with different colorful foliage.
Cranesbill / Hardy Geranium(Geranium species)Seasonal Gardens
Geum / Avens(Geum hybrids)Children's Garden
Good as cut flowers
Rose Mallow / Hibiscus(Hibiscus moscheutos)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Arboretum, Rock Garden
Spiderwort(Tradescantia virginiana)Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Native to central U.S. Cut back to ground after flowering and they will grow and rebloom.
Daylily(Hemerocallis hybrids)Seasonal Gardens, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Many cultivars of different sizes, colors, heights, and bloom times
Cardinal Flower(Lobelia cardinalis)NULL
Garden Phlox / Ground Pinks(Phlox species)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Many species native to southeastern U.S.

Many sizes and colorful foliages
Bee Balm / Oswego Tea(Monarda didyma)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Historic Rose Garden
Native to eastern North America. Rapid spreader, naturalize
Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia)Herb Garden
Best if cutback in spring to just above last year's point of growth.
Sages / Salvia / Mealycup Sage(Salvia species)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Many species, some tender and used as annuals.
Lilyturf / Liriope(Liriope spicata)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden, Japanese Garden
Ground cover, best to cutback foliage over winter or early spring.
Obedient Plant / False Dragonhead(Physostegia virginiana)Perennial Garden, Japanese Garden
Native to eastern North America
Christmas fern(Polystichum acrostichoides)Japanese Garden
Russian-sage(Perovskia atriplicifolia)Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden
A bee magnet.
Chinese Ground Orchid(Bletilla striata)Perennial Garden
Butterfly Flower(Gaura lindheimeri)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Creeping Thyme(Thymus serpyllum)Herb Garden
Gayfeather(Liatris scariosa)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Goat’s Beard(Aruncus dioicus 'Sylvester')Seasonal Gardens
Hibiscus / Rose Mallow(Hibiscus moscheutos)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden
Hyssop(Agastache x. 'Blue Fortune')Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Shasta Daisy(Leucanthemum x)Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden
Stokes Aster(Stokesia Laevis)Perennial Garden
Turtlehead(Chelone glabra)Children's Garden, Rock Garden
Betony(Stachys officinalis)Rock Garden, Herb Garden
Lamb’s Ear(Stachys byzantine)Rock Garden, Admissions Garden, Herb Garden

Chastetree(Vitex negundo)Rock Garden, Historic Rose Garden
Virginia Sweetspire((Itea virginica))Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Arboretum, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Summersweet Clethra(Clethra alnifolia)Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Spirea(Spirea species)Seasonal Gardens, Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Oakleaf Hydrangea(Hydrangea quercifolia)Children's Garden, Admissions Garden
Bottlebrush Buckeye(Aesculus parviflora)MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Perennial Garden
Rose-of-Sharon(Hibiscus syriacus)Historic Rose Garden

Cultivar flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white.
Common Sweetshrub / Carolina Allspice(Calycanthus floridus)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Native Va. to Fla. Fragrant dark reddish brown flowers.
Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis)Seasonal Gardens

Donated from 4th generation Italian family.
Bigleaf Hydrangea(Hydrangea macrophylla)Perennial Garden, Admissions Garden
Cultivars with large white, blue, or pink flowers.
Mockorange(Philadelphus coronarius)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden
Smokebush(Cotinus coggygria)Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum
St. Johnswort(Hypericum prolificum)Children's Garden
Small Flowering Tree
Kousa Dogwood(Cornus kousa)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Colorful fall foliage
Japanese Stewartia(Stewartia pseudo-camellia)Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden
Colorful bark , fall foliage color, summer white flowers
Southern Magnolia(Magnolia grandiflora)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Evergreen foliage, huge white flowers in summer
Japanese Snowbell(Styrax japonicum)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Fragrant Snowbell(Styrax obassium)Arboretum
Sweetbay Magnolia((Magnolia virginiana))Children's Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden

Summer bloom, fall color, colorful bark and seed pods
Sourwood tree(Oxydendrum arboretum)NULL

Spreading horizontal branches
Summer Annual
Borage(Borago officinalis)Children's Garden, Herb Garden
Herb used in salads. self-sowing seeds
Cimbing Hydrangea(Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Admissions Garden
Showy white flowers
Autumn Splendor(September to Mid November)
Dawn Redwood(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Introduced 1947 -1948 Deciduous conifer
Common Baldcypress(Taxodium distichum)Arboretum
Deciduous conifer shedding it's bronzed needles in the fall.
Sierra Redwood(Sequoiadendron giganteum)Japanese Garden
Native to California, this 'Signature tree' is a dwarf 40 to 60' compared to 250' west coast giants.
Weeping White Pine(Pinus strobus 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum, Japanese Garden
Common Larch(Larix decidua)Arboretum
Conifer that drops it needles over the winter.
Deciduous Tree

Growing on earth for 150 million year and was native to the U.S. at one time. Introduced 1784. Male and female plants
Red Maple(Acer rubrum)Japanese Garden
Red flowers in spring and great fall foliage color

Many cultivars have as colorful foliage in spring as in fall. Branch structure interesting in winter.
Sugar Maple(Acer saccharum)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Outstanding native tree with brilliant yellow, burnt orange, and red tones in fall. Sap is boiled down to make maple syrup.
Common Sassafras(Sassafras albidum)Admissions Garden
Native tree with outstanding fall color. Host plant for Tiger swallow-tail butterflies.
Black Oak(Quercus velutina)High Point Garden, Historic Rose Garden
Massive grove of native trees.
Willow Oak(Quercus phellos)Arboretum
Impressive native 'Signature Tree'. Leaves look like a willow.
Scarlet Oak(Quercus coccinea)Arboretum
Native tree with great fall foliage.
American Sweetgum(Liquidambar styraciflua)Japanese Garden
Native tree with great fall color. Showy seed pods in winter.

Coppery orange foliage
Japanese Holly Fern(Cyrtomium falcatum ‘Rochfordianum’)Rock Garden, Japanese Garden
Sedge(Carex species)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Many cultivars are semi-evergreen.
Feather Reed Grass(Calamagrostis acutiflora)Children's Garden
'Karl Foerster' cultivar winning 2001 Perennial of the Year award.
Giant Reed Grass(Arundo donax)Children's Garden
10 to 15' tall looking a lot like corn

Quaking Oats(Briza maxima)NULL
Good for dried bouquets
Green Hawthorn(Crataegus viridis 'Winter King')Seasonal Gardens
Christmas fern(Polystichum acrostichoides)Japanese Garden
Lamb’s Ear(Stachys byzantine)Rock Garden, Admissions Garden, Herb Garden
Obedient Plant / False Dragonhead(Physostegia virginiana)Perennial Garden, Japanese Garden
Native to eastern North America
Mums / Chrysanthemums(Chrysanthemum)Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden, Arboretum, Admissions Garden
Many colors, flower types, and bloom times
Montauk Daisy(Nipponanthemum nipponicum)MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Perennial Garden
Betony(Stachys officinalis)Rock Garden, Herb Garden
Goldenrod(Solidago species)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Coralbells / Alum Root(Heuchera sanguinea)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
70 species are native to the Rockies. Many hybrids with different colorful foliage.
Spiderwort(Tradescantia virginiana)Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Native to central U.S. Cut back to ground after flowering and they will grow and rebloom.
Daylily(Hemerocallis hybrids)Seasonal Gardens, Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Rock Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Many cultivars of different sizes, colors, heights, and bloom times
Cardinal Flower(Lobelia cardinalis)NULL
Garden Phlox / Ground Pinks(Phlox species)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Many species native to southeastern U.S.

Many sizes and colorful foliages
Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia)Herb Garden
Best if cutback in spring to just above last year's point of growth.
Hardy Sunflower(Heliopsis scabra)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden
Valued for its bright color and long blooming season.

Many species, mainly from Mexico, the West Indies, tropical South America and some are native in the eastern U.S. Some species spread easily.
Leadwort / Plumbago(Ceratostigma plumbaginoides)Seasonal Gardens, Admissions Garden
Leadwort should be cutback to the ground in spring to stimulate new growth.
Sages / Salvia / Mealycup Sage(Salvia species)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Many species, some tender and used as annuals.
Lilyturf / Liriope(Liriope spicata)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden, Japanese Garden
Ground cover, best to cutback foliage over winter or early spring.
Chocolate Joe-pye weed(Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate')Children's Garden, Arboretum
Can be an aggressive self seeder
Sedum / Showy Stonecrop(Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’)Children's Garden
Colorful seed heads look good through winter.
Asters(Aster species)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Native to North America
Red Chokeberry(Aronia arbutifolia)Japanese Garden
Fothergilla(Fothergilla major)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Beautiful fall foliage
Serviceberry(Amelanchier arborea)Children's Garden, Arboretum, Admissions Garden
Native shrub is covered with white blooms in spring and beautiful colored foliage in autumn.

Donated from 4th generation Italian family.
Ninebark(Physocarpus opulifolious)Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden
St. Johnswort(Hypericum prolificum)Children's Garden

Golden fall foliage
PJM Rhododendron(Rhododendron P.J.M. Hybrids)Perennial Garden, Arboretum, Garden Cottage
Reblooms in fall
Witchhazel(Hamamelis x intermedia)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden, Japanese Garden
Colorful fall foliage
Oakleaf Hydrangea(Hydrangea quercifolia)Children's Garden, Admissions Garden
Holly(Ilex species)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Red and Yellow berries

Purple or White berries
Winterberry Holly(Ilex verticillata)Bill Bowman Garden
Colorful red berries covering branches
Yellowtwig Dogwood(Cornus sericea ‘Bud’s Yellow’)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Redtwig Dogwood(Cornus stolonifera)Bill Bowman Garden, Garden Cottage, Japanese Garden
Best red stems color if older branches, thicker than a pencil, are removed yearly.

Virginia Sweetspire((Itea virginica))Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden, Arboretum, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Bottlebrush Buckeye(Aesculus parviflora)MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Perennial Garden
Small Flowering Tree

Summer bloom, fall color, colorful bark and seed pods
Crabapples(Malus)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Colorful fruit in fall and winter. Birds will eat over winter.
Japanese Stewartia(Stewartia pseudo-camellia)Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden
Colorful bark , fall foliage color, summer white flowers
Dogwood(Cornus florida)Children's Garden, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Persian Parrotia(Parrotia persica)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Colorful fall foliage
Flowering Dogwood(Cornus florida)Arboretum, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Burgundy fall foliage
Kousa Dogwood(Cornus kousa)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Colorful fall foliage
Flowering Cherries(Prunus)Seasonal Gardens, MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Bill Bowman Garden
Beautiful fall foliage
Sourwood tree(Oxydendrum arboretum)NULL
Winter Walk(Mid November to January)
Common Baldcypress(Taxodium distichum)Arboretum
Deciduous conifer shedding it's bronzed needles in the fall.
Deodar Cedar(Cedrus deodara)Japanese Garden

A mature 'Signature tree' with silvery blue foliage on cascading branches.
Nordmann Fir(Abies Nordmanniana)Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum, Rock Garden
A mature 'Signature Tree' with handsome lustrous deep green foliage.

Bluish or grayish green soft needles
Umbrella-pine(Sciadopitys verticillata)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Beautiful deep glossy green foliage. Introduced 1861
Hinoki Falsecypress(Chamaecyparis obtusa)Arboretum, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Shiny dark green frondlike branchlets on a tall, slender pyramidal plant.

Original Mother tree for this cultivar.
Dawn Redwood(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)Children's Garden, Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Introduced 1947 -1948 Deciduous conifer
Japanese Red Pine(Pinus densiflora)Arboretum, Japanese Garden
Sierra Redwood(Sequoiadendron giganteum)Japanese Garden
Native to California, this 'Signature tree' is a dwarf 40 to 60' compared to 250' west coast giants.
Serbian Spruce(Picea omorika)Children's Garden
Oriental Spruce(Picea orientalis)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden
Weeping White Pine(Pinus strobus 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens, Arboretum, Japanese Garden
Weeping Norway Spruce(Picea abies forma pendula 'Inversa')Seasonal Gardens, MS Hershey Tribute Garden, Japanese Garden
Mature specimen 'Signature Tree'.
Deciduous Tree
Willow Oak(Quercus phellos)Arboretum
Impressive native 'Signature Tree'. Leaves look like a willow.
Katsuratree(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)Seasonal Gardens, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Mature specimen 'Signature tree'
Common Alder / Black Alder(Alnus glutinosa)Arboretum
Showy reddish-brown male flowers (catkins) and female egg-shaped brown nutlets persisting through winter.

Many cultivars have as colorful foliage in spring as in fall. Branch structure interesting in winter.
Black Oak(Quercus velutina)High Point Garden, Historic Rose Garden
Massive grove of native trees.
Chestnut Oak(Quecus prinus)Admissions Garden
Leaves resemble that of a chestnut tree. Native to Eastern U.S.
White Oak(Quercus alba)Admissions Garden
Native Maine to Florida, west to Minnesota and Texas
Weeping European Beech(Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula')Seasonal Gardens
Mature specimen 'Signature Tree' about 100 years old.
Paperbark Maple(Acer griseum)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden
Cinnamon colored bark
River Birch(Betula nigra)Children's Garden, Arboretum
Colorful bark year-round
American Sweetgum(Liquidambar styraciflua)Japanese Garden
Native tree with great fall color. Showy seed pods in winter.

Coppery orange foliage
Japanese Holly Fern(Cyrtomium falcatum ‘Rochfordianum’)Rock Garden, Japanese Garden
Quaking Oats(Briza maxima)NULL
Good for dried bouquets

Feather Reed Grass(Calamagrostis acutiflora)Children's Garden
'Karl Foerster' cultivar winning 2001 Perennial of the Year award.
Sedge(Carex species)Seasonal Gardens, Children's Garden
Many cultivars are semi-evergreen.
Green Hawthorn(Crataegus viridis 'Winter King')Seasonal Gardens
Sedum / Showy Stonecrop(Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’)Children's Garden
Colorful seed heads look good through winter.
Christmas fern(Polystichum acrostichoides)Japanese Garden

Blooming for Christmas through spring
Yellowtwig Dogwood(Cornus sericea ‘Bud’s Yellow’)Seasonal Gardens, Japanese Garden
Japanese Pieris(Pieris japonica)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden, Garden Cottage
Colorful showy flower buds in early spring and winter
Cherry laurel(Prunus laurocerasus)Japanese Garden
Heavenly bamboo / Nandina(Nandina domestica)Japanese Garden, Admissions Garden
Broadleaf Evergreen, great in every season!
Holly(Ilex species)Seasonal Gardens, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Red and Yellow berries

Purple or White berries
Winterberry Holly(Ilex verticillata)Bill Bowman Garden
Colorful red berries covering branches
Buttonbush(Cephalanthus occidentalis)Seasonal Gardens
Redtwig Dogwood(Cornus stolonifera)Bill Bowman Garden, Garden Cottage, Japanese Garden
Best red stems color if older branches, thicker than a pencil, are removed yearly.
Small Flowering Tree
Japanese Stewartia(Stewartia pseudo-camellia)Bill Bowman Garden, Children's Garden
Colorful bark , fall foliage color, summer white flowers
Southern Magnolia(Magnolia grandiflora)Bill Bowman Garden, Rock Garden, Admissions Garden
Evergreen foliage, huge white flowers in summer

Summer bloom, fall color, colorful bark and seed pods
Crabapples(Malus)Children's Garden, Perennial Garden, Herb Garden
Colorful fruit in fall and winter. Birds will eat over winter.
Sourwood tree(Oxydendrum arboretum)NULL