The year ‘round Butterfly Atrium offers a truly spectacular experience. Walk among hundreds of butterflies from around the world in a tropical setting that features colorful plants and a soothing water feature. Only one of 25 indoor, tropical butterfly atriums in the country, Hershey Gardens’ Butterfly Atrium is home to dozens of rare butterflies from South and Central America, Africa and Asia.
Please note: strollers are not permitted inside the Atrium.

How We Receive Our Butterflies
Flutter By Again and Again!
Butterfly species in the Atrium changes frequently, so each visit will bring a new favorite! Dozens of tropical and North American varieties are featured. Here are just a few of our favorites:

The Amazing Lifecycle of the Butterfly
The chrysalis cabinet offers guests a rare glimpse into the pupal stage of the butterfly. Hundreds of jewel-like chrysalids hang in the cabinet until they emerge and are released into the Atrium.
Tropical Plant Oasis
The warm, tropical environment in the Atrium is necessary for butterflies. Many of these exotic plants produce nectar, a critical food source for butterflies. Here are just a few spectacular varieties:
- Cacao tree; its pods are used to make chocolate
- Plumeria tree; its flowers are used to make flower garlands (leis)
- Hawaiian Ti Plant ‘Red Ruby’ and ‘Red Sister’
- Golden Shrimp Plant
- Jatropha Plant

The Amazing Lifecycle of the Butterfly
Find out here!
From simple planters to more complicated landscaping, you can create your own butterfly hangout. Planting a butterfly garden provides new habitat for butterflies and additional wildlife. The overuse of chemicals and habitat loss has caused a major decrease in many butterfly populations. Butterfly gardens are a way to create beauty and help wildlife in need. Hershey Gardens is doing its part by hosting a pollinator-friendly wildflower field to our grounds, in addition to our monarch waystation and thousands of nectar plants. Learn more.
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